Unlock Your
Crop Potential
Stimulate plant growth throughout the season with EnviroKure naturally derived biostimulants and organic biofertilizers

EnviroKure products directly affect plant productivity and enhance soil health, leading to higher yields and improved sustainability.
Earlier Emergence & More Uniformity
improving seedling vigor and more uniform plant stands
Improved Tolerance to Abiotic Stress
including improved drought tolerance
Enhanced Root Structures
improving nutrient acquisition, plant resiliency, and soil quality
Direct Impact on Soil Biodiversity
including beneficial bacteria and active metabolic compounds to stimulate dynamic microbial and soil enzymatic activity
Improved Availability of Primary and Secondary Nutrients
Nitrogen fixation, Phosphorus solubilization, and overall improved mobilization of plant nutrients
Better Crop Yields
across all regions and cropping systems
The New Standard in Biostimulants and Organic Biofertilizers
And the only bioengineered from chicken manure

EK-L BioStim
Our foundation product
A proven biostimulant with plant growth-promoting (PGP) compounds, nutrient solubilizing enzymes, and plant available macro and micro- nutrients. EK-L BioStim is an ideal foundation for your crop nutrition program.

Our Products
EK-L Plant Builder 3-0-3 with 1% Sulfur
A combination of EK-L's proven biostimulant and organic nutrients. EK-L Plant Builder 3-0-3 provides the nutrients organic farmers need while also improving soil health and microbial diversity.

EK-L Super K 0-0-5 with 2% Sulfur
If you are looking to reduce mid-season stress, EK-L Super K 0-0-5 with 2% Sulfur provides all the benefits of EK-L plus plant growth, yield, and quality improving K and S.