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EK-L BioStim

Naturally derived liquid biofertilizer with benefits from planting to harvest

EK-L BioStim for superior performance on all crops

Better Soil + Stronger Plants + Enhanced Stress Tolerance = Improved Yields

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Enhanced Soil Health

Increased soil biodiversity and signaling of microbial communities

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Measurable Improvement

in Nutrient Uptake, optimizing nitrogen-cycling, phosphorus and sulfur solubilization, and overall nutrient availability and acquisition

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Improved Tolerance

to Weather-related Stress, including excessive cold, heat, rainfall, and drought

Benefits From Planting to Harvest

EK-L BioStim is effective across crop and soil types, increasing biodiversity, stimulating root and shoot growth

EK-L BioStim provides the essentials you need to produce the results you want


Beneficial Microbes diversify and feed soil microbiome

Metabolites & Organic Acids for better roots, reduced stress, and more resilient plant

Amino Acids building blocks for all plant growth

Enzymes breakdown nutrients and organic matter for plant uptake

Bioavailable Nutrients are immediately available for young plants

Usable Carbon provides energy for plants and microbes to thrive

Garden Soil
"We started using BioStim five years ago as an in-furrow product. We have repeatedly seen visual results of enhanced root growth when compared to a 10-34-0 starter. In fact, we are so pleased with this product, that it has replaced all 10-34-0 in our crop program!"

Mark Bryant, Bryant Agricultural Enterprise, Washington Courthouse, OH

 Proven success on cereal grains. 

EK-L BioStim directly impacts plant productivity and enhances soil health to improve your yield. 


2023 trials in central Ohio demonstrated EK-L BioStim’s positive influence on yield and ROI. Over three trial locations, a singular 3-gallon foliar application of EKL-BioStim at Feekes-3, average yields improved by 10 bu/acre resulting in an ROI of 4:1. Other noted benefits included overall crop uniformity and better tolerance to weather stresses. (ROI assumes $6/bu wheat)

Reduce the Impact of Freeze Injury

Every year, a considerable portion of the US wheat crop is affected by cold weather. Once wheat starts to joint (Feekes 6), damage can have a significant impact on yield. During reproductive stages, as little as 2 hours of freezing temperatures will cause severe yield damage.

BioStim protects your yield, defending your crop from freeze injury that costs you bushels. 

  • Contains well-documented biochemicals to prepare plants for cold stress and improve overall plant vitality.

  • Increased germination and emergence of seeds result in stronger, denser plant stands that insulate the canopy from cold air temperatures.

  • Organic compounds, including amino acids and other proteins, enhance plant performance and soil microbiome.

  • Enhanced soil biology improves nutrient acquisition and optimizes plant metabolic activity and productivity while minimizing energy losses.


EK-L BioStim is adaptable and easy to use

EK-L BioStim fits into your program and can be used alone or combined with most crop inputs. You can apply pre-plant, at-planting, or multiple in-season applications.


Soil, seed, and
plant safe


No clogging -
filtered through
250 mesh screens


No application restrictions - no re-entry or harvest

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